I’ve been in need of a “real” toolkit for a while now, something with all the specialized screwdrivers and odds and ends needed to take apart most modern computers, phones, and other assorted gizmos. When I stumbled on the new for 2016 iFixit Pro Tech Toolkit, it looked like a good option, and I’ve heard a lot of good things about them, so I decided to pull the trigger on ordering one.
Tag: Tools
DPMS Armorers Tool Review
Lets face it, you probably have an AR-15, maybe a couple of them; and if you don’t already have one, you’ve probably thought about getting or building one.
And, if you don’t already know, there are a few specialized tools you need to build an AR-15, or take one completely apart. The main things you may run into are the barrel nut and the castle nut, but you may also need something for compensators or flash suppressors, etc. I’ve used many tools for these various things, ranging from specialized tools, to off the shelf Craftsmen wrenches.
Many off the shelf tools will work for things like the compensator/flash suppressor and the other various pins, and screws, but for things like the castle nut and free float rail installations, you really need special tools, and one that will hold up to some use.

Neiko Tools – 6″ Digital Caliper (01407A)
I’ve been in need of my own set of digital calipers for a while now, so I decided to take a look on Amazon and see what options I had. There are quite a few options… The Neiko 6 in. caliper was a “best seller” and had good reviews. And for $17, I figured I’d give them a go.
I’ve used many pairs of calipers in the past, mostly non-digital versions. I must say I prefer digital; it’s quicker, easier, and offers more functionality. That being said, if you use dial calipers enough, it becomes second nature. But for myself, who doesn’t use them every day, it’s a pain in the butt.
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